Inspired by a real horse rescue, this story is about a young woman’s fascination with an endangered herd of wild horses and how her special connection with them inspires her to look beyond her own unforgivable mistakes and try again. She rises up to become a horse advocate at fourteen, whose passion and heart move an entire town to take action. In the vein of Wild Horse Annie, The Horse Whisperer, and the Black Stallion, Christa’s Luck is an epic adventure story of courage, friendship and freedom.


“A bold, visionary, and active young heroine” – Kirkus Reviews

“Michael Grais, the co-screenwriter of the 1982 film Poltergeist, and his wife, Jennifer, develop the plot handily, with a slow build toward a final, cinematic crisis in which Christa and her friends enact a daring rescue.” – Kirkus Reviews

Christa’s Luck is available through these outlets

Christa's Luck on Barnes & Noble